LFRW Clubs

Acadiana RW

About Us

Welcome to the Acadiana Republican Women’s Club of Lafayette, La. ARW extends an invitation to you, to become an active, involved and dedicated member of our Club, the Louisiana Federation of Republican Women and the National Federation of Republican Women. We are very interested in your opinions and suggestions. ARW’s Board of Directors look forward to serving and working with you in this coming year to accomplish all of our goals. The secret of change is to Focus all of your energy, Not fighting the old, but building the new! Socrates


Marian Laughlin


Our Mission

The Acadiana Republican Women is a grassroots organization of women and men formed to support, preserve and promote the conservative ideals and principles of the Republican Party at all levels of Government.

The Acadiana Republican Women Club was chartered in 1968 as an affiliate of the Louisiana Federation of Republican Women. Our membership is open to all who share our ideals of limited government, individual responsibility, and protection of the inalienable rights of American people as stated in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. As our numbers grow, so does our ability to have a strong voice in our community and region, and to achieve our objectives. We invite you to learn more about our current activities by visiting our ARW/Facebook and ARW/Twitter.

To promote the principles of freedom, equality and justice set forth in the Constitution, on which the government of this country was founded. To promote the ideals of the Republican Party, through our community education and outreach programs. To recruit, support, and elect qualified Republican candidates to local, state and national offices.

Acadiana RW


Marian Laughlin

Marian Laughlin

Ruth Gaspard

Ruth Gaspard

1st Vice President
Marsha Vining

Marsha Vining

1st Vice President
Connie Boyer

Connie Boyer

Peggy Buckels

Peggy Buckels

Recording Secretary
Joyce Linde

Joyce Linde

Corresponding Secretary
Iris Milligan

Iris Milligan

Patricia Soulier

Patricia Soulier

Past President

Drop Us A Line
