LFRW Clubs

Mandeville RWC

About Us

Mandeville Republican Women In the Spring of 1984, Lane Carson, state chairman of the Reagan/Bush campaign, and DeNell Haines, a dedicated Republican woman, hosted an organizational meeting for 17 women who believed that with the current population growth of the Mandeville area, the time was right for a new Republican women’s club. Their efforts were rewarded with a tremendous response! On May 17,1984, the Mandeville Women’s Republican Club received its charter from the National Federation of Republican Women (NFRW), officially establishing it as an affiliate club of both the NFRW and the Louisiana Federation of Republican Women (LFRW). DeNell Haines was elected the club’s first president and good things began to happen!

Dedicated to supporting the principles of the Republican Party and the objectives of the national and state federations, the club was determined to be a well-organized, active, and effective participant in the political arena. Therefore, they immediately established a Regan/Bush Victory Team Headquarters and organized voter registration at Mandeville City Hall.

As the club matured and membership grew, the scope of their political efforts and activities, and their involvement in community programs and projects expanded as well. In 1986, the club began hosting fundraisers for candidates and local charities; coordinating campaign efforts and volunteer support; providing forums for candidates and elected officials to meet their constituents and hear from the voters; recruiting and training candidates to run for office; visiting the state Legislature to develop relationships with elected officials; and providing voter education and information to all interested citizens. To this day, these activities and programs continue to be the focus of the volunteer efforts of MRW.

Through these many activities, the club soon became recognized as a powerful volunteer political force locally and throughout the state. In 1988, perhaps one of the club’s most rewarding years in terms of achievements and volunteer hours, members played a major role in hosting the RNC Convention in New Orleans. It’s the national convention that people still talk about to this day! Since then, the club has received many awards and recognition at several NFRW and LFRW conventions for their achievements. Those include NFRW Diamond and Gold Awards, club awards for Fundraising, Community Service, Membership Growth, and Literacy. Naturally, in conjunction with the club’s success over the years, along the way many MRW members have been recognized for their leadership and service; many have run for office; and many have been appointed or elected to a variety of offices and positions at the local, state, and national levels. MRW is proud of our members who have committed themselves to public service!

Many exciting local events were/are known as “signature activities” of Mandeville Republican Women. They include the Fall Card Party; the Christmas Membership Tea and Auction, the Candidates’ Jazz Brunch and Glad Hatters’ Competition, Storybook Christmas, and the “Passion for Fashion” Fashion Show, just to name a few. Likewise, MRW is known for its support of Habitat for Humanity, Breast Cancer research, Special Olympics, the “Up With Words” Dictionary Project, Support Our War Heroes, the St. Tammany Association for Retarded Citizens, and other local charities and projects. The success of these events; our accomplishments on behalf of our candidates and good government; our commitment to our community; and the continued growth and vitality of MRW is a tribute to our officers and members. For 25 years, members of Mandeville Republican Women have been dedicated to making a difference in and for the community. Today, we celebrate our accomplishments; we honor those who believed in our mission and helped us get started; and thank those who have led us through this rewarding adventure.

We welcome the challenges that lie ahead and invite you to join us as we continue to grow and succeed.

1st Vice President

Michelle Pichon



MRW meets from January through June and then August through December on the first Thursday of every month at Beau Chene Country Club. Social time begins at 11:00 a.m. with the meeting/lunch beginning at 11:30 a.m. Reservations are required and can be made by contacting Linda Esquerre at 504-782-2920 or e-mail at renlin92@bellsouth.net

Mandeville RWC


Michelle Pichon

Michelle Pichon

1st Vice President
Lynn Pablovich

Lynn Pablovich

2nd Vice President
Dorothy Noriea

Dorothy Noriea

Joyce LaPorte

Joyce LaPorte

Recording Secretary
Judy Hermann

Judy Hermann

Corresponding Secretary

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