The Rapides Parish Republican Women’s Club began in the early 1960s with a January Installation. This club has placed great importance in the attendance of LFRWs Spring and Fall Board meetings along with state Legislature visits and often our own members as delegates attending state and national Republican conventions. Organizing and manning many Republican candidate headquarters, our club members also operate phone banks, organize neighborhood walks, and have booths at various fairs, cenla celebrations and registration drives. The members of Rapides Parish Republican Women’s Club extend a cordial invitation to you to join the RPRWC. We are dedicated members who strive to help strong Republican men and women get elected to local, state, and national offices. As a member of RPRWC, you also become a member of LFRW as well as the NFRW . Our club meets every SECOND Thursday of the month at 6:00 pm to discuss relevant topics, listen to dynamic speakers and support our community. We are very interested in your opinions and suggestions. We hope you will join us in our efforts and we are confident you will enjoy this club and the members.