About Us

Standing Committees


Freddye Smith

Term: January 2023 to December 31, 2024
Email:  freddye23@eatel.com

Awards Committee

The Awards Committee is headed by a Chairman who is one of the most important leaders in the Federation. Every two years the LFRW gives Awards to its clubs for their members’ outstanding service in many areas and also to individuals who have merited special recognition.

The Awards packet prepared by this Committee makes concrete the goals that LFRW is striving to achieve in the political arena, in community service, in education and literacy projects, and in other areas. Awards packet forms are in Member Center…choose category LFRW Awards Packet.

NFRW Awards Packet is also done after LFRW Biennial Convention which is due in June of the same year. Its Chair also presents seminars on the criteria for the LFRW and NFRW Awards at regional and state meetings.


Simone Champagne

​RW Southwest Louisiana
Email: sbchampagne@gmail.com

Bylaws Committee

To download a copy of the latest LFRW bylaws, go to the “Member Only Section” and select the “Bylaws – LFRW” category.    In 2020, NFRW amended the bylaws to allow electronic/digital meetings and electronic vote.   Use of this technology was evoked to adhere to state mandated COVID-19 protocols. 

The Bylaws are the governing authority of LFRW. They have the same authority that laws have in society. The contents of any organization’s bylaws have an important bearing on (a) the rights and duties of members within the organization – whether present or absent from a meeting and (b) the degree to which the general membership retains or delegates control of the business of the organization.  The LFRW Bylaws Committee reviews the Bylaws annually.  It recommends revisions either for clarity, for needed modifications, or for changes required to be in harmony by any recent updates by National Federation of Republican Women.

Each Club in the federation is required to have its own set of Bylaws and to keep those in compliance with LFRW and NFRW Bylaws. 

A new Club to the Federation must have 10 members and submit its bylaws for review to the Bylaws Committee. After review by the Bylaws Committee, the Bylaws are sent to the LFRW Executive Committee for either approval or recommended revisions. A sample set of club bylaws is available from NFRW to assist new clubs.


Donna Gossett

Term:  January 2023 to December 31, 2024
Email:  dgossett1933@sbcglobal.net

Campaign Activities Committee

The Campaign Committee of the LFRW is in charge of one of our cherished goals – to get more Republicans elected to public office at every level of government. Since our members hail from all parts of the state, LFRW has the opportunity to share the news about Republican candidates and political races to all our members regardless of their geographic home.

​The Campaign committee assists unit clubs to form their own campaign strategies through information and advice offered to clubs. It keeps up the NFRW Website to get important information on races of particular importance throughout the nation and communicates this information on races of particular importance throughout the nation and communicates this information to all club Presidents for distribution to their members.

It gathers and distributes information to the LFRW on statewide and national candidates and sends the information to the Corresponding Secretary and Webmaster of LFRW for publication on the Federation website, lfrw.org. The Campaign Committee also urges members to assist in voter registration drives.


Linda Vinsanau

Term January 2023 to December 31, 2024
​Term 2019-2022, Metropolitan RWC
Email:  ​vinsanau@cox.net

Caring For America Committee

Each Club and each member of the LFRW are the face of the Republican Party in their communities and in the state! We engage in community projects out of a deeply rooted sense of civic responsibility. Without the good work done by our clubs in their own communities and in state projects, a limited and at times slanted view of what the Republican Party stands for could be held by some citizens.

The work of this Committee is coordinated with the Caring for America Committee of the NFRW. The Chair of the Committee compiles a list of the variety of community service projects engaged by our Clubs and sees that their service is communicated to local media and state projects. We are proud of the service to others that our members do. Our Clubs play a vital role in helping their community meet the needs of those that need a helping hand.

Some of the groups that have received funds or hands-on assistance from our Clubs include:    

– Veterans Hospital and Veterans Homes
– Seriously Injured Soldiers from the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars
– The Families of Soldiers
– The March of Dimes
– Battered Women’s Shelters
– Abused Children’s Shelters
– Habitat for Humanity
– Race for the Cure
– Special Olympics
– Samaritan Center
– Minority Outreach


Solange Noriega

​Term: January 2023 to December 31, 2024
​Email: solange.noriega@yahoo.com


Pam Phillips

​Term: January 2023 to December 31, 2024
​Email: pamphillips68@hotmail.com

Fundraising Committee


The Committee is consulted when the President and the Treasurer prepare the annual budget. The Committee proposes creative ideas and presents these ideas to the LFRW Executive Committee for approval. At least one fundraising event is held annually. The Committee is in charge of every phase of the event – site arrangements, donations, invitations, speakers, publicity, entertainment, financial records and final reports to the LFRW Board. The Committee invites LFRW members from clubs nearby the site of the function and other volunteers to assist with the arrangements.


Gena Gore

​Term: January 2023 to December 31, 2024
​Email: genag59@att.com​

Legislative Committee

The Legislative Committee is essential to fulfilling two of the primary objectives of LFRW, to increase the effectiveness of women in the cause of good government and to promote an informed the public through political education and activity.     

The Committee synthesizes these critical bills, and after sending them to the President for approval, forwards updates to the Executive Board, Regional Vice Presidents and Club Legislative Chairs. It also crafts Resolutions, proposes them to the LFRW Board for a vote, and if passed, sends these Resolutions to the Republican members of the Louisiana State Legislature.

It monitors the NFRW Web Site (http://www.nfrw.org) on national issues and encourages grassroots response to national issues.  Chair of the Committee advises the LFRW President who then mobilizes the LFRW members to take action.

The Committee orders and distributes PAR Guidebooks to LFRW members and helps to coordinate the “Day at the Legislature,” a major event that LFRW schedules annually usually in the Spring.
The Legislative Chairman: Joyce Linde

 The Legislative Committee gathers information on major bills or issues at the national or state governmental levels by monitoring legislative action on the Internet, C-Span, newspaper reports, and analyses by prominent and reliable political journalists. The Committee zeroes in on central and critical issues, especially those that pertain to planks in the Republican platform – fiscal responsibility, fair taxation, economic opportunity, foreign policy, immigration, and cultural and family issues.


​Jennifer Carignan

​Term: 2023 to December 31, 2024
​Email: c3jn@msn.com 

Mamie Eisenhower Committee

​The Mamie Eisenhower Library Project Committee is a Standing Committee of LFRW and an integral part of how NFRW promotes literacy. Local clubs are encouraged to make book and video donations to schools and public libraries in honor of the former First Lady Mamie Eisenhower.

Instituted in the early 1960s, the Mamie Eisenhower Library Project (MELP) is the NFRW’s longest-running program. Members/clubs can purchase and donate books from the NFRW MELP List (on the NFRW website) to local schools and institutions. Such donations promote literacy at all age levels. NFRW has formal bookplates (you will need to log into the website) to place in the front of each book donated so each club is recognized for its donation.

Please send your club’s updates and photos so we can share them!
Send your MELP recommendations to the Literacy Committee. 


Charlotte Lyles

​Term: Interim
​Email: charlyles@gmail.com

Membership Committee

Membership is the very core of our organization.  Every goal of the LFRW depends on the energy, commitment, and dedication of our members.  The Membership Committee works to recruit new members to our organization and retain the members LFRW already has. 

The Membership Committee develops a plan with the approval of the LFRW President to fulfill its goal for each year.  It presents this plan at LFRW Conferences, on our website, and in talks to clubs around the state.  It also develops a brochure to promote membership.   

​Membership forms are located: 
Member Center look for categories: membership LFRW/NFRW  Membership Events, Contests, and Reports are located in Member Center-Categories-Membership 


Darla Lennox

Republican Women of SW Louisiana
Email: drlennox57@gmail.com

Protocol Committee

(Name of Committee has been changed 2017 LFRW By Laws) 
​Protocol is a code of political manners that reflects courtesy, consideration, respect, friendliness and the general rules of good manners for others.  By following these established procedures, the business of a meeting can be conducted smoothly and productively.

The Protocol Chair is responsible for overseeing the seating arrangements and flag placement at the LFRW Board Meetings and Convention.  The Protocol Chairman makes sure that the proper greeting is extended to any guest speakers and VIPs and that the introduction of the speaker is not unduly lengthy; yet respectful of his/her position and expertise.

The Protocol Chair is also charged with making place cards for the head table and places them on the head table at the LFRW Board Meetings and conventions in accordance with normal protocol.  The Protocol Chair also presents workshops at State Conferences or at Club Meetings when requested.


Jane Smith

Term: January 2023 to December 31, 2024
Email: jhsmithlawmaker@yahoo.com

Publicity Committee

(Name of Committee changed in 2017 LFRW By Laws)
Publicity Committee is a Standing Committee.  The Chair of the Publicity Committee works to make the public aware of the projects, activities and events of LFRW.  She is the official LFRW photographer, prepares News Releases, maintains a file of articles and press release, and arranges whenever possible media interviews for LFRW Officers.  She also forwards publicity to the NFRW for their website.

The Chair of this Committee also works with all Club Presidents to make sure that the State Federation is aware of events around the state.  She obtains descriptions and photographs of all major events and projects from the Clubs and sees to it that each club gets the accolades it deserves on the LFRW Website and in local or state newspapers.